
St. Joseph's Highgate

"Love is the will to extend one's self for the purpose
of nurturing one's own and another's personal growth"
- M Scott Peck
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22 January 2023 - Newsletter

22 January 2023 - Newsletter
UNFORGIVABLE SIN! - The First Reading for today assures the Israel in exile that even though they will experience this time of darkness, a time is also coming when God will break in to shine a great light. Isaiah does not say that God would take away the time of darkness, only that God would shine a light into that darkness.
There are times in our lives when it feels like we are the ones walking in the time of darkness. Sometimes this happens because of personal concerns in our lives: trouble at home; a loved one who is sick or may be lost in a hell of their own making. Sometimes we feel like we live in darkness because of pandemics and political turmoil and social unrest. When we feel like we are living in the darkness, it can be tempting to live into our discouragement and frustration; to give way for the darkness to take us over.
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