Altar Servers
Our Mission is to serve God and His people of St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish by assisting the Priests at Holy Mass and at other liturgical celebrations to bring the ultimate spiritual experience to each parishioner attending.
Prepare the Altar
Light candles
Prepare incense and bearers when needed
Cross and candle bearers
Desire to serve God
Received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Holy Communion
Attend a training session
Arrive at Mass 15 minutes early
Believe in the teachings of The Holy Catholic Church
Willingness to learn all the prayers of the Holy Sacrifice of The Mass from memory
Must know the Parts of the Mass.
Serve a weekend Mass once or twice a month
Be prepared to fill in at any Mass you are attending
Be available for extra Masses or Liturgical celebrations such as weddings, funerals, benediction, vespers, stations, etc.
For more information on how you can share your gift of time, talent or treasure with the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church through the Altar Server Ministry, please email
the Altar Server Coordinator and Altar Server Trainer:
Andrew Scott
Our Training Facilitator:
Altar server Application Form
Children’s Liturgy Ministry
Our mission is to serve God and His people of St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish by helping children to engage meaningfully in the Liturgy, thus beginning a lifelong practice of praying, learning, and celebrating at Mass.
During the 10am Mass Children will be dropped off and signed in by their parents and will return after the homily in time for the Liturgy of The Eucharist. During this time, we will unpack the Gospel and Mass for children ages 4-7 years old.
Desire to serve God
Catechists’ training attendance
DBS Check
For more information please contact the Children’s Liturgy Coordinator:
Our Volunteers and Children’s Liturgy Coordinator
Volunteer Teachers
Children’s Liturgy Coordinator: Jenny Buckley
Sacramental Outreach
To reach out to parishioners who; because of illness, injury, or lack of mobility are unable to attend Mass and are in need of the Sacraments.
After a visit from a priest who offers anointing or reconciliation, Sacramental Outreach Ministers of The Eucharist bring the Presence and joy of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament to those who unable to attend Mass.
We visit homes, nursing homes, assisted living facilities and rehabilitation facilities sharing the Word of God from Mass and carrying the Eucharistic Presence of Christ. A simple Communion service is shared with reverence and grace to the homebound members of our Saint Joseph Parish community.
For more information, please contact the Sacramental Outreach Coordinators
Edward McMahon
Sacramental Outreach Coordinator
Welcome Ministry
To serve God and His people of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church by warmly welcoming all who enter our doors and making them feel at home to worship here.
Help promote an atmosphere where all feel welcomed. Enhancing the Mass become more spiritually fulfilling by meeting our fellow parishioners as they enter with a gracious and uplifting attitude. We extend our gratitude towards parishioners and visitors for choosing to come and spend time with Jesus at St. Joseph.
Desire to serve God
Pleasant Attitude
Warm Smile
Appropriate attire for the celebration of Mass
Arrive 15 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass to prepare
For more information on how you can join our Welcome Ministry as a greeter, please contact the Welcome Ministry Coordinator: Abuk Deng Deng,
Welcome Ministry Coordinator
Catholic Young Adults
We are a vibrant community of young adults in our 20s and 30s offering fellowship and formation through spiritual, social, and service opportunities. Embracing the energy, ingenuity, and passion of our peers, will empower this generation to encounter Jesus more intimately, foster leadership within our parishes and grow in authentic Christian community.
We meet once a month for a variety of activities ranging from potluck dinners, game nights, Bible study, movie night, Adoration, food bank volunteering and much more.
Please follow us on our twitter to RSVP for events, receive the most current information and connect with each other!
For more information, please contact the Catholic Young Adults Coordinator, Anne Moriarty:
Catholic Young Adults Coordinator
Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors
Our lay ministry’s calling is to serve at our Sunday Liturgies to help bring the Real Presence of Jesus in The Word of God and The Holy Eucharist to our fellow parishioners. This is done by proclaiming The Word of God during the Liturgy of The Word and by distributing The Most Holy Eucharist during the Liturgy of The Eucharist at our Sunday and Weekday Liturgies.
Be a registered member of St. Joseph’s Parish.
The only age requirement is that you have been Confirmed.
Ability to serve twice a month at a Mass you usually attend.
Participate in a training session at St. Joseph’s.
If you are interested in serving as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist or Lector, please contact Roxane
Lector Ministry Coordinator
Eucharistic Minister Coordinator
Usher Ministry
To provide general care of our worship space and to cultivate an environment in which all are welcome to our Eucharistic celebration of The Mass.
Ushers are responsible for assisting with seating, collecting the gifts of our community and handing out Song Book sand Newsletters and providing any other assistance requested by the Parish Priest and Parish staff.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of Mass so that you may prepare for your duties.
We are in need of ushers to serve at all weekend Masses. Please prayerfully consider donating your time during Mass as an usher.
For more information please contact the Parish Office.
Music Ministry
We invite you to serve in our Music Ministry as cantors, and choir members. If you have a talent for singing, we invite you to share your gifts with our community.
Here are a few reasons why you might be excited to join our Music Ministry:
You will have the opportunity to use your musical talents to praise God and lead our community in worship.
You will develop your skills as a musician, working with other talented individuals and under the guidance of our music director.
You will experience the joy of collaborating with others to create beautiful music that enhances the liturgy.
You will be part of a vibrant and dynamic community that is committed to the mission of our church.
Please note that auditions are required for this ministry to ensure that our music program meets the highest standards of excellence.
If you feel called to share your musical talents with our community, we encourage you to contact our music director to schedule an audition:
We look forward to hearing from you!
May God bless you for your willingness to serve!