“Nothing is more humbling, more challenging and more heart-breaking than
parenting. There is no quitting and no hiding and no ‘finish line.’”
Due to this stress, and that of our daily lives, we are often with our children,
without really being with our children. We are in the same room, the same car,
but our minds are racing ahead to the office, or distracted by what’s on the
TV, or wishing we were on some tropical island sipping a daiquiri. Yet when
we fully connect with our children, it’s far easier to find joy and peace. Things
become a little less harried.
Here are 10 affirmations to help us be in the present moment when we are
1. The gift I’m giving them is my full attention.
2. My children are not me; they are their own separate and beautiful beings.
3. I am here in the present moment, with kindness and curiosity.
4. Rather than simply reacting, I will choose my next behaviour.
5. This moment will not last forever.
6. As everything swirls by me, I tune in and listen to my breath.
7. My child is the perfect teacher for me, and I’m learning so much.
8. My children are strong, safe and supported.
9. I let my children learn and grow in their own way.
10. I am tranquil; nothing can disturb my peace of mind.
-Kathryn Drury Wagner